

This site is a mirror of the original that was designed and hosted by the (now defunct) Twisted Pear Productions, which produced the Camouflage steganography software. That software is available here for download as freeware according to the original publisher's licensing terms. No support is available for the freeware and Unfiction Inc. makes no claim as to its suitability for any purpose or use.

This site and the steganography software contained herein are not affiliated with and should not be confused for the data-masking products produced by Camouflage Software Inc., based in Newfoundland, Canada.

Find out more about Camouflage Software's data-masking products by clicking here.

What is Camouflage?

Camouflage allows you to hide files by scrambling them and then attaching them to the file of your choice. This camouflaged file then looks and behaves like a normal file, and can be stored, used or emailed without attracting attention.

For example, you could create a picture file that looks and behaves exactly like any other picture file but contains hidden encrypted files, or you could hide a file inside a Word document that would not attract attention if discovered. Such files can later be safely extracted.

For additional security you can password your camouflaged file. This password will be required when extracting the files within.
You can even camouflage files within camouflaged files.

Camouflage was written for use with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT and Windows 2000, and is simple to install and use.

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