

This site is a mirror of the original that was designed and hosted by the (now defunct) Twisted Pear Productions, which produced the Camouflage steganography software. That software is available here for download as freeware according to the original publisher's licensing terms. No support is available for the freeware and Unfiction Inc. makes no claim as to its suitability for any purpose or use.

This site and the steganography software contained herein are not affiliated with and should not be confused for the data-masking products produced by Camouflage Software Inc., based in Newfoundland, Canada.

Find out more about Camouflage Software's data-masking products by clicking here.

Welcome to the Camouflage Home Page

These days companies are given more power to monitor emails and to examine your personal files. And with more and more malicious 'spy' software being widely used, you need to be sure that files containing sensitive information are kept safe from prying eyes. Electronic privacy is no longer guaranteed - who knows who might be intercepting your emails or scanning your hard drive without your knowledge or consent?

But now you can 'camouflage' your sensitive files to prevent unauthorised discovery. Email anything you like without your attached files being revealed! Hide your most secret files with Camouflage, available totally free of charge from here.

Click Overview for more information.

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